South Dakota Broadcasting Videos
KELO - TV - Airport Dedication of Joe Foss Field
1955 - Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Airport dedication of Joe Foss Field.
KELO-TV - Mitchell Corn Palace Days
1957 - General Images and an Interview on the History of the Mitchell Corn Palace Days.
KELO-TV - George McGovern Runs for U.S. Senate
1960's - After a failed bid for the U.S. Senate in 1960, McGovern is elected to the U.S. Senate in 1962.
KELO-TV - George McGovern on Ending the Vietnam War
George McGovern gives a speech on his stance on the Vietnam War.
KELO-TV - Sioux Falls Snowiest Winter
1968-1969 - The winter of 1968-69 brought nearly 95 inches of snow in the Sioux Falls area.
KELO-TV - Sioux Falls Flood
1969 - The Sioux Falls Flood of 1969.
KELO-TV - Rapid City Flood
1972 - Rapid City flood.
KELO-TV - South Dakota State Fair
History of the South Dakota State Fair.
KELO-TV - Thomas White Hawk Trial
1969 - 1981 - Thomas White Hawk's Trial.
KELO-TV - Wounded Knee Incident
1973 - Oglala and AIM activists control Wounded Knee for 71 days while United States Marshals Service, FBI agents, and other law enforcement agencies cordoned off the area.
KELO-TV - Minnehaha Courthouse Riots
1974 - Minnehaha Courthouse Riots.
KELO-TV - South Dakota State Penitentiary Riots
1980 and 1993 State Penitentiary Riots.
KELO-TV - John Morrell and
Company Union Workers Strike
1982- John Morrell and Company Union Workera Strike.
KELO - TV - Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup
1982 - 1984 - Buffalo roundup and sale at Custer State Park.
KELO - TV -Lead Neutrino Detector
1984 - Lead, South Dakota, Neutrino Detector at the Homestake Gold Mine.